I will never understand how someone could be proud of being stuck in scrubs, being the dog of the medical industry their entire life
my biggest thing when I was an u/s tech was the amount of patients we had to turn away from lack of insurance n all the times *i* decided I could give a fuck about what I was "allowed" to do n just did everything for patients just took my name off the scans.
its gross that I'm making upwards of 35$ ((hourly)) to even FATHOM turning someone away cuhs they cannot afford it. shit is sick and I hate it.
not to mention the way addicts, severely mentally ill, and chronically physically ill ppl are treated by an industry that is supposed to exist for their benefit...n I'm supposed to just sit in my dumbass ugly as fuck scrubs n say "sorry insurance company says I cant do ur echo:)"
fuck that shit.
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