The #climate crisis is a #leadership crisis. To transform society this decade, we need transformational leadership.

For far too long, far too many leaders have been focused on profit, power, and prestige. That is what’s gotten us into this mess and certainly won’t get us out.
We need leadership that is less invested in current systems and less bound to technocratic approaches. Leadership genuinely in service of a life-giving future for the Earth and all of humanity. Leadership that’s more conventionally #feminine and more faithfully #feminist.
In one sense, this is about *fairness* — clearly, half world’s population should have representative influence in shaping our shared future. But more than that, it’s about *efficacy*.
Across diverse climate conversations and communities, girls, women, and non-binary folks are showing up as the catalytic change-makers the movement desperately needs. They’re leading *differently* — and showing us what transformational climate leadership looks like.
I've been seeing...
1. Clear focus on *making change*, rather than *being in charge*.
2. Commitment to respond to the climate crisis in ways that *heal systemic injustices*, rather than deepening them.
3. Appreciation for *heart-centered*, not just head-centered, leadership.
I firmly believe feminine and feminist climate leadership is exactly what we need right now — and it’s wide open to people of any gender. As @bellhooks has written, feminism is for everybody, or in the words of @ChimamandaReal, we should all be feminists.
To change everything, it’s going to take everyone. To rapidly, radically reshape society, we need every solution and every solver. Every mind. Every bit of heart. Every set of hands.
To close, here's an infusion of climate wise-women for your #MondayMotivation 💛⚡️💛 
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