I have a question for black professionals/creatives - Do you sacrifice some of your rebellion, some of your principalities, some of your speaking up about injustice to get into the room OR are you who you are at every level?
I ask this because I recently saw Alex Wek, the supermodel, throw off a blonde wig on the runway - presumably the only model of color in the show, she refused to wear the wig backstage but they refused to let her take it off. So she did that.
Realistically speaking, she may never work with that designer again - but her portfolio stands so she'll probably book work because of the name she has.
I started thinking - Could unproven rookie Colin Kapernick take the stand he's taken over the past years? Would we care? Would we listen? Or does he status as a proven NFL quarterback allow him the stage for this sort of righteous indignation?
And I am in no way saying you have to be successful or proven to take a stand BUT ... that very well may be true to make an impact. How many people take a stand or raise their voices too soon and aren't given opportunities to reach their potential?
And I don't know the answer. I also hate the phrase "play their game" but in all actuality, maybe we have to? for the greater good?
On that same token, Colin Kapernick has sacrificed ALOT but he also is in the financial position to do so. I think we often want everyone to be Colin when in actuality, some of us may only be able to sign a petition, to retweet something, etc.
I guess my point is - the resistance can take many forms but also we cant dismantle and change systems from the outside. Revolution, and all facets of fighting for it comes at a price - a price that not all of us are able to pay.
But maybe I'm missing it. Help me. Talk back to me on this beautiful monday.
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