It is job hunting season for many PhDs

Thought I'd reshare this post, with some data on my postdoc job search, and the search that got me here at Forbes 
I never applied for a Tenure Track job, wasn't interested, and my search had a geographical constraint of me and my husband agreed I'd only apply for jobs w/in 1 hour of a place he could work
I was looking for jobs where doing applied research, working really closely with managers and conservation decision makers could be valued. Also hopefully lots of work in wetlands.
I feel like I hit the jackpot, but also know that part of success is being ready at the right moment

I could have easily been on the market a year earlier or a year later, and this job wouldn't have been open. So some of it is preparation, hard work, some is 'luck'
for those applying to non-TT research positions, I'm happy to chat about my experience, and what my application looked like.
my biggest advice for applying for jobs, is dont' let it eat up every moment of your entire life.

Set aside X hours a week, and when those are over, go do something you enjoy

for me this was every Saturday AM until 11am or noon.
being on the job market is exhausting, and it takes an emotional toll.

I didn't realize what an impact it was having on me, till after I wasn't job searching anymore, and I was told 'wow you are smiling a lot more lately'
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