You know, Trump could turn out to produce some positive consequences. After all, Caligula may have been a bad guy but rulers like Caligula helped speed the fall of the Roman Empire which in turn led to the rise of Germanic and other tribes which were unified by Clovis...
at the end of the fifth century which set the stage for the expansion of Frankish rule under Charlemagne which helped trigger the backlash from the Vikings who in turn invaded England and Northern France, taking over Normandy.
The marriage of English king Aethelred the Unready to Emma of Normandy (from which Viking attacks were coming) was intended to pacify the attacks but also led to the beginning of English claims on Normandy and vice versa. In 1066, William the Conqueror illustrated this...
by leading the Norman invasion of England, an act which would produce enmity between the English and the French for centuries. For that reason, when the English colonies in the New World rebelled against the rule of George III in 1776, among the first to aid them were the French.
With the assistance of Lafayette and Rochambeau, the American rebels won independence and established the United States, an experiment in democracy and the rule of law that has rose to greatness over 240 years...until it all was put at risk by Trump, the American Caligula.
Which is deeply depressing, terrifying and profoundly unjust and infuriating. But, patience. In another 1975 years (the time between Caligula's assassination in 41 A.D. and say, 3 years ago, prior to the Trump presidency) something good may come of this.
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