We KNOW that those motivated by greed and power must go. We need leaders who are motivated by a desire to serve the public good, to strengthen society, and help create safety nets, not steel traps to catch and harm the less-fortunate.

We know that good people also serve, or are running for office from school boards to state legislatures to the senate. They want to do right. They believe that public office is a sacred trust.

We need to help them win.

The right has been building networks to get their message out for decades. They’ve taken their messaging to the public airwaves through the Fox Propaganda Machine.

I mean, books have been written about this!!

How do we counter the RW machine? How do small local races get noticed and build traction?

#DemCast is a hub for all media that is Democratic. It’s a way for local races to be amplified by SM who will retweet. It’s a place to go when graphics, news or other media is needed.
Countering propaganda, Russian interference and the misinformed is daunting. But like the starfish story, the more of us we can get on the beach, the more Democrats we can get out there. One by one.
Our masses can overwhelm their manipulations but only if we, every last one of us, gets involved and does what we are able.

Routinely look for #DemCast and retweet. Add #DemCast to your tweets to promote candidates, CTA’s or Democratic causes & fundraising. Call your MOCs! /end
You can follow @BkPhilanthropy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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