after epstein, the burden of proof is on who asserts that we don’t live in a society and system meant to cater to the needs of people like him, that media and law enforcement don’t bend to accommodate him, that there important and powerful ppl on our side fighting to end it.
And no one can prove that. And it’s not a little jump to say that if our entire government, ruling class, media protected Epstein because he was too powerful and too big to fail that the same thing is going on with Trump, getting him into office and keeping him there.
The same people who called Epstein a conspiracy and insisted that if it was true that the very smart people in charge would do something about it also said the same thing about Trump for almost four years now. They’re wrong, believing in an illusory system.
So what is really going on? I’m still working on it, but I guarantee that the newspaper version of what’s going on now is to keep people calm and distracted while enabling bad actors. That’s the story of the last 20 years of newspapers.
Knowing what we know now, it’s extremely foolish to think that anyone who has risen to the top of such a corrupt and grotesque system is someone seriously interested in holding Trump accountable. The rewards are greater for protecting him.
this is a truth so big it is indigestible for most people, because understanding it triggers a painful epistemological crisis. What you thought you knew, you didn’t, and there’s an elaborate system in place to keep it that way. It’s not science fiction, it’s not the matrix.
It’s living in a world where the NYT runs 100 HRC email stories and zero trump/mafia stories, where people receive that information without realizing it’s intentional propaganda, and where anyone who tries to flag this and the implications is ignored. Truth exists, but is buried.
It’s living in the world where the Epstein story does get out via social media, but is buried in Qanon and Pizzagate. It’s living in a world where Russia receives all the blame for the enemy coalition that attacked us and anyone who challenges that gets blacklisted.
We didn’t even get the full truth about Epstein/Maxwell, no major media platform has run down his many and obvious ties to intel, specifically Russian/Israeli intel. And now the story is gone. And that’s the system working as intended. That fact breaks the narrative, so it’s gone
I tried telling people about Epstein in 2010s, I tried telling people about trump and fascism in 2016. It is in fact possible to figure this stuff out if you work hard. And I’m trying to tell people now that impeachment is part of the “matrix” meant to distract and pacify you.
During the Mueller probe, there were signs that it had no teeth well before it turned out it had no teeth. Manafort's judge being threatened, praising him as a reformed person at sentence, his punishment getting smaller over time. Opportunities to investigate not being taken. Etc
@sarahkendzior was first to call these warning signs out. At the time, it was very unpopular given that the most popular Mueller takes looked like this. People would get angry, insulting, call you crazy, a bot, troll, a chaos agent, a bernie bro for going against the grain.
I think there are also some warning signs with the impeachment effort. Leadership was very against it before they were for it, arguments that it wouldn't go over well were wrong, it's changing minds and grabbing the narrative.
And yet, much like Mueller probe, many stones are being left unturned. Limiting the scope of probe to Ukraine makes it easier for Trump to build counternarrative around single issue, harder to do that with many lines of attack. I suspect the probe won't touch the mafia at all.
Because once you touch the mafia, even a cursory examination would reveal the extent to which it has penetrated our political system, the tech sector, and our institutions. Just like Epstein was avoided for a decade by media and law enforcement,this will be avoided in impeachment
The mafia issue would also go back decades, decades. It would blow up our entire political system and understanding of the world. There are many Epstein scale horrible things going through the last 50 years. The whole system relies on the newspaper narrative holding together.
I think all of this would have sounded like crazy talk to many people even six months ago, but everyone here has lived through the Epstein experience. His crimes being covered up by media and law enforcement, his "death", the lack of real journalism in the wake, Maxwell is free
It's a perfect example of the mafia/international crime syndicate/matrix pulling a fast one on us. We all know the official story is bullshit. I don't think people know that other stories in our lifetime are Epstein tier bullshits of public facing lies and media manipulation.
The war on terror was an Epstein tier bullshit, and Wesley Clark knew that in 2001. The plan was to destroy the middle east. Here's the truth. It's not in the newspapers, it's not common knowledge. It will never be.
And so no, I don't think they are going to address the mafia issue because it would go to the core of the cancer that has been killing America.
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