I see this sort of thread is popular, so here is a very silly take on how TV character Doctor Who voted in the referendum. Please note some knowledge of the programme and actors may be required….
The 1st Doctor. Leave. Despite being an intergalactic time traveller, Doctor number one couldn’t wait for the UK to “take back its borders”. He would also explain who the Jews were in the room, and couldn’t understand why the Brigadier kept edging away from him in discomfort.
The 2nd Doctor. Remain. Doctor two was a valiant fighter against all forms of bigotry and shared understanding between all people. Unfortunately, he would probably also have an affair with the female returning officer while Jamie looked determinedly in the other direction…
The 3rd Doctor. Abstained. Far too important to waste his time in human affairs unless forced. Regretted it later as he mellowed, but got bitten in the nadgers by a radioactive spider before he could do anything about it.
The 4th Doctor. Abstained. Partly because he believed humans have to work things out for themselves, mostly because an ancient alien Egyptian robot mummy got in the way...
The 5th Doctor. Remain. Wishes everyone would just get on with each other. Retired into the TARDIS after the result was known to be soothed by barely legal psychological enabler Nyssa.
The 6th Doctor. Leave. Because he wanted to be different. Was appalled when Leave won, but was sacked by Michael Grade before he could do anything about it.
The 7th Doctor. Leave. But only as part of a cunning plan to ensure the UK remained and which hinged on Ace’s mum being a baby. Or something. Cancelled by Michal Grade before the plan could come to fruition.
The 8th Doctor. Remain. Was initially appalled by the result, but 20 years later he couldn’t give a shit anymore.
The War Doctor. Didn’t vote. Looked at the options of “Leave” or “Remain” and was plunged into depression that the ballot paper had greater depth than his fan-written character ever did. Left to sulk for centuries. Then grew a beard.
The 9th Doctor. Remain and Leave, as he was trying to be edgy and complex, but failed.
The 10th Doctor. Leave. Look, this guy is a gas-lighting serial abuser of young pretty women. How do you think he voted??
The 11th Doctor. Leave. Because he wanted to be as popular as 10. Spent most of his time waving his arms over his head while shouting “Hey, look at me, I’m mad, me!” And then gas-lighting Amy and then Clara. Secretly feels he made a mistake but won’t own up to it.
The 12th Doctor. Remain. He knew the shit-storm that was coming and he stood tall and did the right thing anyway for all people everywhere, even though it brought him a lot of pain and abuse. Top man.
The 13th Doctor. Remain. And was instantly bombarded by multiple death and rape threats from unbalanced Incel/Doctor Who fans appalled that a woman had an opinion. And a vote.
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