#waronwomen #gendercritical #misogyny #radfem #sexnotgender
As many of you know up until a few months ago Rainbow Radicals were keeping a list of women & their allies suspended from @Twitter for wrongthink
The account is no more & it's time the suspensions are acknowledged /
I'll be using my own account to resume the counting & highlighting of people banned by @Twitter after being targeted by gender extremists. It is impossible for me to catch every suspension. If you know of any accounts not mentioned that have been unfairly suspended /
please let me know. I'd advise sending a direct message to avoid your own account being targeted. If you prefer just @ me /
So,starting a week ago 18th November. The following accounts have been suspended-
@landofwoklies - Harpy
@babe_brain -Lady Brain
@w7qho_radio - Magellans Wife
@liveorbebored - Rogue quisling koala
@siarlsbywyd -David C Life
@Schrodingersge1 -Schrodingersgender
@NoToMisogyny - woman is biology
I'll pin these tweets to my page so it's easy to find.
I'll update as & when I have new names to add
If I've made any errors (likely 😬 ) or someones account is reinstated please let me know
If my account vanishes William on @rainbowradical has agreed takeover
It's time to show people how many people are being silenced.
I've started my count from 549-the number counted up to November 18th
Please retweet
@Strwbry_Bonbon Jessica
You can follow @joandjackwooll1.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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