This summer I graduated with a first class degree. This is not a shameless brag but rather a post to point out that this achievement would absolutely not have been possible without the following:
Academic staff who spend hours writing each lecture and painstakingly creating reading lists for each module

... and who stay behind after delivering those lectures (and seminars!) to answer any queries
... and who spend hours marking and providing detailed written feedback for each assignment

... and who put on office hours to give more detailed feedback and support
... much of this labour is provided by staff on low paid, insecure contracts who are up against increasingly impossible targets in terms of marking and getting their own work published

(... and not forgetting the support staff that make all of the above possible as well)
A degree is never just a reflection of your own work but that of everyone else who has helped you to achieve it along the way.

So students - please support the strikes to help those who help you achieve the working conditions they deserve.
Good luck to everyone out on the picket lines today but particularly those in @SSPSSR who helped me gain my degree.

🙌 #ucustrikes🙌
You can follow @lparden84.
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