*T|W child abuse s/a*

Thinking that violence done to children made to be erotic is reprehensible is not pearl clutching.

I'm sorry, we as writers cannot write whatever we want because it's

~ fiction ~

To do so fails to comprehend the implications and power of the written word.

If you don't think that has power, you shouldn't be a writer

There are harmful nasty tropes that damage people. Listen to marginalised voices, we've (I'm disabled) have been saying this for years
These things, words, stories, are part of human collective awareness. They matter, they have impact, for good or not.

It is one thing to be a survivor and need to unpack and explore trauma. That's valid.

It is not purity culture to be very effing careful about that
It's not always merely a case for correct labelling, in fanfic or in pubbed work, this should be the norm.

It's about the culture of harm we do and what we are prepared to justify says about us.

What do our choices say about us?
T|W paedophilia

Writing pro white supremacy work tells me your a racist. Writing transphobic work tells me you hate trans people.

You write about raping children? WELL GUESS WHAT

And I don't mean hard subjects shouldn't be ignored. They should be faced. It's important.
The questions we have a duty to ask are:

Will this hurt people?
Am I best placed for this narrative?
Is its legality up for debate?
Am I leering and sexualising the worst violence done to the most vulnerable?
Why do I want to write this?

If you think writing sexualised violence is fun and sexy*, especially when it's a minor, please unfollow me, eff the eff off, then get in the sea and keep going. No, more, keep going.

*dub or non con is a very specific thing and a whole other conversation.
Time to do nice things bc jfc my eyes. People are disgusting
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