Front-end vulnerability testing hasn't changed for years. Top companies have been able to run bug bounty programmes to attract the best hackers to improve their security, this is great as the community is naturally collaborative. But it's unaffordable for the vast majority.
Companies big and small need world-class coverage. @detectify has achieved this by allowing hackers to refine & automate their penetration tests, reducing the cost of coverage while still rewarding those who find the issues in the first place.
Not only does this change the game technically, but the team have also built an incredibly strong culture of transparency and integrity both inside the company and out, challenging the outdated cliche many people have about the hacker community.
This is how we believe the best software companies work. Combining scale and automation with human ingenuity, rewarding people fairly for their efforts, providing best in class security to all. It's a huge vision, and one we are willing to support all the way.
As investors in @Darktrace, @Tessian, @RecordedFuture ( and a few others... ) we're confident that while the web faces problems, there's a new generation of cyber companies that are going to make the web safer for us all. @detectify is one of them. (6/6)
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