These are my opinions
When Brendon started streaming, chat was impossible to read. Filters needed to be put in place because he went so long without any mods in the first place.
I even remember watching streams where he was tryi to set up nightbot commands and filters with the help of Jake or other streamers while in gameplay or in discord
Now I’m still a twitch newb. I only started using it when B started and I’ve spent some time watching other streamers too and learning about how modding works for people. So this is just what I understand.
But in order for Brendon to even have a chance at reading comments in chat (that weren’t from bit donations), they had to filter things like using sub-only mode, and using night bot commands that would automatically delete messages that were seen as “spam” such as too many...
...emotes in one message, or too many caps lock. One of these filters that you can program into nightbot from what I understand is to delete messages in other languages. Now this isn’t meant to harm those who speak other languages, but is used as a tool by many streamers... make sure that their mods can accurately and efficiently moderate chat to make sure no one is being harmed, but also so that the streamer can understand what’s going on in the chat...and isn’t that the point of chat in the first place???
And from what I’ve learned, twitch’s capabilities to edit nightbot commands is currently limited. So my understanding is that you can either allow other languages or you don’t, there’s no inbetween or allowing certain phrases.
So besides that point, obviously a year has gone by of Brendon regularly streaming. The overall hype has gone down significantly, and chat is a much more manageable place now. So a solution to the current issues may just be that the nightbot filters could be trimmed back
At this point, it is probabaly manageable for Brendon to actually be able to look at chat and see these certain phrases and be able to learn what common ones mean in different languages. The other issue is though, that Brendon is literally a worldwide known rockstar.
And with that “worldwide known-ness” means that he literally has fans of many different backgrounds who want to be able to participate and communicate on his stream. And while it may be important to everyone for Brendon to see them say “I love you” or communicate... him in their own language, it’s literally impossible for him to be able to understand or recognize common phrases in every single language. I’ve seen folks talk about trying to see if certain phrases can be allowed in the chat without being deleted, but I don’t see... thats possible unless mods are controlling it and while sure it’s easy to say that B should just have bilingual mods, I think we all have to remember that modding is not a paid position. It’s voluntary and in order to be able to do it it’s probs best to be in...
...a similar time zone as the streamer and while other mods make it work in different time zones for other streamers, it may not work for someone like Brendons who has a large following and he needs to make sure to have mods who can regularly be there
With all that being this point in B’s streaming “career”...having that many filters on chat is most likely unnecessary to a point, meaning that different languages shouldn’t be deleted, unless maybe if it’s a long message just becuase again, B won’t understand it.
Now the whole mod situation? I’m not going to get that deep into it. Was it absolutely shitty that Binoe got unmodded with no explanation? Absolutely. Hopefully she’s recieved that explanation now and hopefully Zack and company has learned their lesson about talking to...
...people first because that would be absolutely crushing to anyone to find out you’ve been unmodded from a stream of someone you look up to like that. Now in regards to the other mods? I honestly don’t know much, and honestly I haven’t watched a ton of streams lately, and I...
...don’t typically watch/participate in chat these days. However I do feel like there needs to be some change up in the modding so that chat no longer feels like the “B and mods” show. Mods are important, mods are appreciated, but they are normal people volunteering for a role.
With ALL of that being said. Take what I say with a grain of salt, I literally know next to nothing about how modding and night bot works, just a the basics.
Here are my summarized opinions based on this word vomit of a thread.
-not allowing other languages was never meant to disclude people, but was a way to make chat something B himself could actually participate in and also so that mods could actually have a chance at “modding” efficiently
-B is lazy as fuck and is a grandpa with technology (wbk)... of course he’s going to have other people setting up his systems, cause damn was it painful watching him set up nightbot in the beginning
- there should probabaly be some new unbiased mods in place, or at least there should be more communication with mods on their tasks
-lastly, let’s all just be kind to each other, let’s try to not create even more drama than has already perspired, should things change? Yes. Hopefully at this point Zack and B are working to make those changes cause they for sure know people are unhappy at this point.
But spewing unnecessary hate at some folks and labeling actions taken in the chat in certain hateful ways before they have a chance to be fixed isn’t going to help anyone. Yes it’s good to call out, but let’s all remember to create a space of love here.
And there you have it. My opinions. More like “here’s Sarah’s word vomit thread on the topic of B’s twitch chat because she’s been reading stuff on both sides all day and her head hurts”
You can follow @SarahSmilesFPE.
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