Thread. I’m a care leaver and I last lived with my mum when I was 12. I don’t have much contact with my real family (zero pretty much) and I’ve been alone family wise my whole life more or less. (This is not a sob story I promise) ☝🏻😆
I’ve had no babysitters, no “wider family support” Zilch! So when I had my own kids I’ll be honest with you I’m no natural Mary Poopins, Play Dough Mom type. Def not ✋🏻😆😆 But ☝🏻I vowed that I would do the best I was capable of and that no matter what . . .
I would do the best I was capable of and never flunk out. It was not easy and I didn’t make it easy on myself either 😆 I had my first 3 babies inside 24 months like any true ADHD’er would 😝 Act now, worry about it later 🙌🏻
There were times right in the beginning where I was like God this is not easy is it 😗 what have I actually gone and done here - have I bitten off more than I can chew 😳 But then I was like crap I’m all these innocent little people have! I’ve bitten so I’ve GOT to chew !!!
Wasn’t quite sure how I was gonna do it 🙈 Just knew was going to always try my best and where I fell short was going to up my game and do better. There were things I was determined that these children were never ever going to experience if I could help it ❤️
And so 2 of my kids are nearly adults. My 13 year old daughter is older than I was when I left my family. 3 of my kids are older than I was when I had my own flat and lived alone! (I was 16). They have never known hunger, cold and they’ve never experienced abuse
They’ve had childhoods and bar one divorce have had a stable home life and are becoming good and kind adults and I look back and I’m like PHEW 😅 I did it 😉 Don’t know how but I did and I’m very proud of that ❤️ More proud than any degree or SEND win or anything else at all 🙌🏻❤️
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