so here's what i told danny about cis people using pronouns in bios:
not only are defanging "lol pronouns user in bio" you are making people around you, who don't use their assigned at birth gender, comfortable. if you do it, all you are doing is updating a social contract.
by updating a social contract, i mean, setting the rules for how others interact with you. it's also a filter against the shitty people who aren't gunna respect you in the first place. imo, win win here.
you are merely stating what box you want to be put into when people interact with you. this is something you can control. you aren't virtue signalling, you are normalizing having easy to read social contracts and how you want to be addressed.
anyway. gender's all performance art. do gender anarchy. do your own thing, and be happy. its an expression of you.

if you want to show solidarity, a good place to start though is putting them in your bio, on twitter, when speaking, in slack.
also noting:
if we defang "lol pronouns in bio user" we will also defang THE ONE JOKE THEY HAVE too. js. put your pronouns in your bio and normalize it. you can spare a few characters.
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