Getting echoes of the Western praise of Maoism in 70s/80s in this right-wing China adulation. Freer speech. Protection of the Han. Unvarnished self-interest geopolitically. All true.
I am sure the worst has yet to come out about the Chinese regime. Their treatment of the Uighurs in the West is tip of the iceberg.
Immigration should obviously be heavily limited, but this should not be limited to “brown” countries. All immigration should be treated equally.
Is White America totally unconcerned with what being white means to a government? In this fantasy, I will be good. Have long uninterrupted legacy in the American South, but others? I am not sure.
Does a first generation Irish immigrant qualify as as white as me, in American terms, and thus afforded the same benefits? How is this different from the Chinese protection of the Han at the expense of other marginal subgroups?
There’s a giant blindspot towards the inner politics of “whiteness” (aside from left/right). Daring to define “whiteness” as opposed to “Americanness” is somehow seen as superior, but seems to me like it’s a cope for people who just don’t have deep roots in America.
I say all this as a white American. That is my bloodline and those are the interests that I protect, but don’t tell me that you and me are the same because of this shared “whiteness”. You like Wagner and we like Mozart.
Your rights are still unearned. I will not support the limp-wrist, neo-Nazi, soyboy grift that is whiteness no matter how strongly I oppose the demographic shifts that will not benefit my family.
Jews being a minority and still on top is a direct refutation of the power of demographics. They enslave the other demos...

I’m 99% certain wignats are mostly just pudgy white men who found out they could get laid if they talked about readin Mein Kampf (it works).
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