Aqidah when taught as it should be taught is the most compelling part of uloom ud deen. More so than fiqh dare I say.

Most people averse to aqeedah have had bad teachers or misguided intentions while studying the texts.
No it isn’t a jarh wa taa’deel marathon like many naysayers think. It isn’t a dry revision of age old polemics either.

It is understanding God, what He means to us and how He impacts our daily lives. His grace, mercy and anger all while appreciating the blessing of eeman.
I had a similar attitude towards studying aqeedah too until I found the shaykh that made the study of it extremely relevant to the life I live. Having a good teacher makes it an experience you want to go through repeatedly.
Studying aqeedah has helped me understand the problem of evil, qadr of Allah, why sects exist, why is prophethood necessary and why humans are prone to error regardless of the scientific advancements today.

In summary, if aqidah is studied right it instills God consciousness, reflection and serenity in one’s thinking patterns.

As a muslim you can’t ask for anything more.
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