I did it -- I taught "Clash of Civilizations" to my "Intro to IR" students.

How did I do it? How did it go?

Second, I posed the question: "Should We Study Clash?"
I made them aware of the debate over teaching this piece in the classroom. Specifically, I introduced them to the @HDiplo teaching roundtable headed up by @profmusgrave

I showed the students the beyond ridiculous number of citations for the piece

In short, I said, "Maybe this is a dangerous idea. But it's sufficiently prominent that you are likely to hear it at some point. Plus, at @UChicago we don't shy away from an idea, even if it's dangerous. We engage it and see if there is any `there, there'".
Third, I posed the question: "What is Clash?"
This meant going through key passages of Huntington's 1993 piece, namely this paragraph...
...and these paragraphs
Fourth, I posed the question: "How Do We Measure Clash?"
Specifically, I showed Huntington's map....which immediately raised some skeptical looks 🤨
Yep, that included showing them this map by Lothrop Stoddard
I super-imposed Huntington's map. Students made the connection
Fifth, I posed the question: "How Do We Test Clash?"

Note: I added that while Huntington maybe doesn't deserve a benefit of a doubt, let's give him one for the sake of seeing if there is a `there, there'"
This largely entailed walking them through the pieces in this thread from earlier in the year https://twitter.com/ProfPaulPoast/status/1123959166551326722
Overall, we had data from 1990 to 2010 -- the post-Cold War time period that Huntington said is appropriate for testing his theory.

What did we find?
We found the following "intercivilizational dyads" had wars between 1990-2010. I'm not sure Persian Gulf 1991, Kosovo 1999, Iraq 2003, Eritrea-Ethiopia, & Armenia-Azerbaijan were driven by "civilizational differences" 🤔

Same for Afghanistan in 2001, but I could see a debate
In the end, there isn't much `there, there'...at all.
The students found this all SUPER interesting. I had a lot of questions after class (as did my TAs).

Students weren't buying the theory, but they agreed that it is "seductively simple". That is likely why it sticks around...and why it should be engaged in IR classrooms.

You can follow @ProfPaulPoast.
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