Listen as much as I live for the romance of post-mosaic Queliot sometimes my heart just needs soft awkward season one idiots and today is one of those days
like can you believe this idiot draped himself across the room and PINED for the cute new boy from basically the day they met
Can you believe the ATTEMPTED SEDUCTION
He 👏was 👏 going 👏 to 👏 take 👏 that 👏 boy 👏 to 👏 his 👏 bed 👏
One of these days I’m gonna finish my season one au where they start banging early on while trying to not catch feelings because this dynamic is just Too Good
(Spoiler alert they very much do catch feelings and are certified idiots no matter when they end up getting in each other’s pants)
Listen I can’t stop thinking about this one scene in my season one au where Eliot walks Q to class and kisses him outside the classroom door and it’s!!! So much!!!

Why are they always So Much.
i'm not letting myself open the doc until after i've finished editing the angst fic but I just found these caps of The Scene on my blog and like this writing is rough as hell but wow i really gotta finish writing this thing one day huh
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