The president is the Commander in Chief. Period. That is our law. I served under presidents I did not agree with. But every single report I submitted was specifically directed to him. Because he’s the boss. That’s how it works and that is how it has always worked. Period.
You do not adhere to this because you are a blind robot following orders. You adhere to it because the country voted for it. They decided to let this person be the CiC. So you execute the will of the people in accordance with your pledge to the constitution. That is all.
And before any or you pricks start, this is not a nation of majority rules. We decide our future based on fair representation across the board. The tyranny of the majority has no sway in America. Your fantasies of popular vote are not how we work and never will be.

Fuck you.
I believe what our forefathers believed. Giving the minority an equal voice. You claim to believe that but when the middle of the country tells you they don’t agree with you, you want to ignore them because you think you know better.

Fuck you.

Sit down.
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