I'm reflecting on my 1st @ncte conference and all the other edu conferences that I've attended. This might need a little space... like I did this weekend. #Thread #educolor #NCTE19 Fyi: my memes should not take away from my intent... they just make me happy.
I loved being able to see my tweeps doing panels ( #DisruptTexts) and being able to meet, share with and bond with other BIPOC educators. I did, but we were always surrounded. The spaces were never safe. #educolor #NCTE19
I get it, this learning is for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs access, but how can we ever truly address the issues facing us specifically if we are never in a safe space to do so? #educolor #DisruptTexts
Am I the only one who feels like we need a BIPOC safe space that we can retreat to at events like these? Or maybe a retreat that us just for us, our healing, our centering, and our building up the next wave of effort? #DisruptTexts #educolor
Not that I don't love our allies and accomplices, I do, but they are few and far between in these large crowds, and you never know who is only by word and looking to assault your spirit, assassinate your character, and abolish your work. It's exhausting. #DisruptTexts #educolor
There were A FEW times when trying to have discussions with BIPOC we had to give THAT look that says, let's code this or not discuss in present company. #DisruptTexts #educolor
Or sitting at anti-racism panels, CRT panels, or at lunch, or with another BIPOC and hearing non-BIPOC responses to some of the learning and listening to them rationalizing why such and such thing is okay when they do it because... whatever stupid privileged reason. #educolor
I don't know, these are just the things that struck me hard. Some... many non-BIPOC folx were awesome. I see you, I love you. However, I'm still leaving wishing that I'd have had a safer space. #DisruptTexts #educolor
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