When someone asks you to walk them to their car, do it: a thread.
My friend has been experiencing harassment at their job recently. It’s a very male dominated space and she’s been getting fucked with and stolen from for weeks. She feels unsafe 1/7
She reported the behavior and the person harassing her the most retaliated and caused her yet MORE harassment and trouble at work. And then stole her wallet. 2/7
She asked a trusted male co-worker to walk her to her car bc she didn’t feel safe. Her coworker dipped out without assisting her as agreed. She asked another coworker who complied. 3/7
The next day she went to say something to the 1st guy she asked to walk her, tell him it wasn’t cool, and that another coworker walked her. She told him which one and 4/7
The man in the article walked her to her car. The man who dipped out had prior knowledge of this man’s crimes and TOLD NO ONE ON THEIR CREW. Not even the few women present. 6/7
Once more for the folks in the back: WHEN SOMEONE ASKS YOU TO WALK THEM TO THEIR CAR, DO IT. 7/7
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