1/ Just had a good chat with family members. The question on the table was who will heal the nation after Trump? The answers were predictable: moderate Dems who preach acceptance and love (Pete, Booker, even Biden). But it raises another question: why is up to Dems to heal us?
2/ This president has put children in cages, abandoned our allies, insulted everyone, trafficked in racist dog whistles, defended white supremacists, destroyed the environment, given tax breaks to billionaires. He's the most divisive public figure in my life. That's on Democrats?
3/ Everyone thinks that Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa was some watered down, loving thing. It wasn't. Perpetrators had to come forward and admit every evil act they committed in detail. Who they tortured. How. Who they killed. How. How many. Why. Any gaps meant jail.
4/ (There was originally supposed to be a wealth tax, btw, to punish those who profited from Apartheid. But I digress). Perhaps that's how we can really heal in the US. Demand justice before we offer forgiveness, not the other way around.
5/ So let's get a real radical. Give me a Warren or Sanders. I want a Green New Deal. I want a wealth tax. I want to see ICE officials testify before Congress. I want someone who sends the FBI after the KKK and who shuts down racist websites. Let's have real justice in America.
6/6 Then, and only then, will real healing be possible.
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