This seems likely, but it's interesting to consider to what extent cultural concerns were motivations for Snowden, even before his (rather confusing) politics, and to what extent these influenced the nature and scope of his disclosures. Can we expect similar from non US leakers?
Also relevant will be the continued move away from information strategies of concealment towards those of disclosure. The distorted "revelation" of information warfare is the 21stC correlate to the 20thC secrecy of intelligence, demanding more actively communicative stratagems.
Grappling with the volume of disclosures will require the construction of not only disinfo strategies, but entire institutions dedicated (even more than modern intelligence) to the active manipulation of narratives in the wild. We're living in the early days of this process.
inteligence has always had a disinfo mission, but I think we'll soon see the development of dedicated IW organs, beginning now with recent efforts by US Cyber Command to rename itself Information Warfare Command, institutionalising and normalising deception at the political level
Cynics will say (correctly) that this behaviour is just same as it ever was, but forms of sovereign exception can last centuries without being normed, and their institutionalisation usually heralds the emergence of a new kind of politics (eg 1947 and the creation of the US IC).
@MarkGaleotti recently remarked that an image of the future of conflict & security can be found in the Renaissance, by which he meant we can expect to see a wild diversity of means in the arsenal of statecraft, & which unfortunately also implies things like the 30 years war.
The pursuit of advantage through the control of media & the modalities of communication was central to Renaissance conflict, & when many of the techniques of deception were first organised into practices. It seems intuitive that our own media revolutions will bring about the same
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