1) Recently, my gym switched from a key based locker system to a digital lock system.

And it caused me to muse on the Product implications.

You would think this would be better, right?
2) Wrong.

The key based system while outdated...worked.

You attach your key to whatever you carry with you. Clothing, water bottle, very low risk of losing it.

But the best, absolute best thing it had, was the locker number on it.
3) That meant, you could always find your locker. Always.

Now with a digital lock, you have to memorize it. Or take a photo. Or write down the number so you don't forget it.

All supremely annoying.
4) So what problem did a digital lock solve? Ok you don't need a key, but that was never a problem in the first place.

And it created a new problem, now you have to remember your locker, which I have forgotten, more than once.
5) What is the product lesson in this?

Just because it's fancy and new, does not mean it's better.

Just because it's new, doesn't mean it solves a problem worth solving.

Just because it's new, doesn't mean you needed to do it.

Be clear about the problem you are solving.
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