Seeing this pop up again and wanted to address it. My dad once said “every band is someone’s favorite band” and I very much apply that to movies, it’s one of the central statements that helped me create GG. As critics I think it’s important we do exactly that: critically analyze
However, we can do so in a meaningful way and in a way that’s not offensive or rude or demeaning. When we take a look at a movie and discuss what didn’t work for us, remember, it’s what didn’t work for US. We aren’t saying it didn’t work for YOU.
I believe in creating discourse between people, I believe in analyzing film without trying to insult the people who put hard work and effort in (i.e. tagging directors/actors/writers in dragging tweets is a bush league move)
But that’s why we develop favorite critics the same as actors or musicians. We find someone who vibes with us and we trust their judgment. They’re not saying their word is concrete fact, it’s their opinion.
Anyway, here are numerous journalists who review films they don’t necessarily like but aren’t dicks about it: @JE_TRUSSELL @HauntedMeg @DoNatoBomb @jayjayrose7 @FreddyInSpace @DrewDietsch @BloggingBanshee the list goes on and on. Just don’t be an asshole 🤷‍♂️
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