I found the last round of #UCUstrikes extremely difficult - after a decade of trying to forge an academic career which involved working evenings & weekends, moving around the world, putting my personal life on hold, I didn’t know what to do with myself witho it work.
Since then I’ve been trying to achieve a better work/life balance, trying to do more with my life other than work, spending time with friends, having experiences, pursuing hobbies & other interests. But I can’t get back all the time I’ve lost pursuing an academic career.
And as well as losing time (my 20s & most of my 30s), I’ve lost other things as well, chief among them my chance to be a mother. Precarious employment & uncertain finances made for a life I didn’t feel I could inflict on a child.
I do love my job. But at this point, I care about it a lot less than I once did.
You can follow @JLDraycott.
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