Stay in the trading business long enough and you’ll realize (like I did):
1: you can’t have lasting success by blindly following someone else trades, even if that person is a recognized “expert”. You must have your own strategy that reflects YOUR psychological makeup...
...Twitter is a very dangerous place for newbies and struggling traders. They look for answers on a medium where 95% of traders are here for EGO reasons. Only follow those who put personal and systems development FIRST #trading
2: Successful long term Trading will take everything you have. Emotionally and financially. And it will likely affect your relationships with all your friends and family. There will be hard times when those who love you will tell you quit wasting your time. You must endure...
3: You have to be OK with losing- A Lot. If your an egotistical person that can’t stand losing, don’t get involved in trading unless you can give those thoughts up. Trading is about bending, but never breaking. #trading
4: It will likely take YEARS for you to develop a positive expectancy system that reflects YOUR personal psychological makeup. For example, I daytraded for two years early in my career. I sucked. I eventually realized I couldn’t sit there and be patient intraday...
... Because of my upbringing, I was always taught to work hard. In trading, If I just sat there being patient, I wasn’t working hard. Therefore I overtraded, thinking I was working hard- and subjected my account to big losses. #Daytrading was in conflict with my mental makeup.
5: LT success requires constant emotional stability. That can be tough b/c we are all naturally emotional beings. This is part of what makes trading so challenging- maintaining this stability and discipline to see a positive expectancy system play out over time. #trading
I’ve also learned a great lesson from @TradingComposur It’s very hard to “turn on” discipline whenever you open your trading platform. To truly be a disciplined trader, one must be disciplined in all aspects of their life. That way, disciplined trading comes naturally #trading
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