THREAD: I can't support Jeremy anymore. All my followers know I'm 100% Corbyn. I paid my £3. I voted for him as leader twice.

I've done just about everything I can to support him.

When people started revealing so-called facts about him I was the first to fight back & deflect
When they said he's friends with terrorists who he calls friends, like everyone else I would deflect and say the person speaking was a zio hasbarah troll.
When people complained that his economic policies would bankrupt the country I was the first to yell "fuck off and join the tories"...
When female Jewish MPs complained about misogyny and antisemitism they claimed to experience I would always try to intimidate them with a load of #JC4PM tweets on their timeline
I even took to posting actual Third Reich propaganda in a bid to absolve Ken Livingstone of antisemitism...
And even though I accuse Zionists of being duplicitous lying smear merchants in the pay of Israel I always make the differentiation between them and Jews as I have no problem with Jews at all
In fact whenever an obviously fake Jewish Twitter account appeared in support of Corbyn I always gave it a retweet and helped it on its way
Yes, like just about everyone else in this new socialist movement I've shared Rothschild conspiracies and have my suspicions over who really did 9/11 but I will not put up with smears about any one of us
Particularly if someone one who is a member or a well-liked candidate happens to wonder or ask a question about the Holocaust. Doesn't mean we hate Jews...
So as you can see see I'm a loyal corbynite but the problem is his manifesto. It's not Corbyn enough and the polls show it.
Imagine how high in polls we would be now if we did strip Jews who fought for Israel in 1967 of their passports as John McDonnell wants.
Like Chris Williamson, the true Corbyn, said... we've become too apologetic... and the polls show it.

So I've destroyed my membership card and quit the party.

I urge all true Corbyn supporters to do the same and not vote in protest.
You can follow @cquilty52.
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