Okay. Back to this....lol https://twitter.com/Ms__TeacherLady/status/1198388159081590785
If you’re casually dating, you gotta understand what it is on both sides.


And try your best to manage your expectations.
Example, say I’m casually dating a woman and we’re clear it’s casual.

I, a mature adult, can’t have expectations of her that I would of someone I was exclusively dating.

It’s extremely reasonable to not be available to go out with me because she’s out with someone else.
And hopefully I’m dating other people as well.

If you find yourself getting in your feelings, it might be time for a conversation and a change of status.
Her: hey we can’t do “this” anymore. I’m gonna date someone else exclusively.

Me: oh nice. What would you like our interaction to be now? No flirting? No talking at all outside of the TL?

Many people never have these conversations tho.

1. Some ghost because...we don’t owe them an explanation.

2. Some go exclusive with the person and casual with everyone else on the side 😊
“I can’t get rid of my h’s because people be acting up....what if it doesn’t work out?”

Just call them back.
Some people may be upset they weren’t your first choice or whatever. If that’s the case, how casual was it really?

If it was truly casual, you should be able to reassemble the available remnants of the team to resume where you left off.
Another dude wanted to be serious? You chose him. Cool.

It didn’t work out? Cool.

Call me. I ain’t upset.

Especially not at our big ages. People have been married and divorced. What I look like being upset about being “sloppy seconds”
Plus, lasagna the second day...

Y’all don’t hear me.
So yeah....the double-back can be the time of your life.

One of my favorite casual dating situations happened after we stopped kicking it because she got engaged.

They broke up. She reached out.

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