So a friend of mine today asked me;
"Out of curiosity, if you don't mind answering, what we're some of those red flags from companies that makes you not want to work for them?"

So I started to answer and we both agree this should be a thread. Input is welcome. I'll kick it off
The more a company tends to combine roles that's a huge red flag. I mean it's not unheard of for the system administrator to be responsible for the phone systems in a small company, but the system administrator shouldn't have to be the CISO, and Network admin and everything else.
Revolving doors, companies where people seem to come and go a lot. Use Glassdoor!!

if you're interviewing with one ask them about what hardware they're running, PC's/Mac/Printer/Network. If they're willing see if they'll take you on a tour get an idea for how old it all is.
Also pay attention to the computers, phones, network cables, numbered ports, walking through the office for an interview. Are they using multiple monitors throughout? Try to see what OS they're on, if they're all on XP run, ask about how painful their last migration was.
Network. Ask about their routing and firewall. Are they on a provider supplied router, or their own? Separate hardware firewall? Who manages it all? Do they have users who work remote? Do they connect to resources in the office? If so how? VPN? RDP? Other?
Do you see lots of customization/ergo equipment? Is everyone using the exact same hardware, or do they seem to support their users needs? Or are the users bringing their own? Do you see any users with external drives? Whose PC looks like a porcupine with all the usb dongles?
What is the size of the org? Generally small businesses with low margins can be hard to work for because you will have to make cost much more of a factor while they are seeing the world do X and they want it too. Flip side very large orgs expect more from you and bang for their $
Where is the office? Is it in a dilapidated strip mall right next to active railroad tracks with a homeless tent city in the parking lot(not judging)? The company may not be into spending money. Or are they in a high rise but everyone appears to be drinking their own coffee and
there are no liners in the trash cans at everyone's desk?

If you are interviewing with more than one person and ask a question thats not tech related do they cut their eyes at each other like "oh crap, how do I respond?"
Probably most of all, how much do they talk up the company? Is it enthusiast level or mechanical? Ask if they allow user purchased/supported devices? Do they require admin access on those?

Anyone else got anything to add?
Oh yeah, when was their last systems and/or PCI audit? How long did it take to correct the issues? Were there a LOT? Some companies wont get this specific in interviews, but it cant hurt to ask.
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