I'm going to say my piece about the @ewarren speech at Clark Atlanta University. I haven't said much because I'm honestly still processing and I am still not really ready to talk about it. But I see people either being willfully obtuse or pretend they don't understand context.
So here goes. The row directly behind me were where the protesters starts. If you see the pictures or video, I'm the black woman in red glasses sitting right there. The protest started and people claim that Warren said nothing and should have. Look, this is an HBCU and
She was a white guest in one of our sacred spaces. She didn't have much room to say anything. Luckily, she has Black women in her circles who she loves and respects. She rightly deferred to them in this space. Anything Warren said could have made things infinitely worse.
If you look closely, the police were already descending. As a Black woman, this made me nervous because I feared for the protesters. I feel in my heart that Warren did exactly the right thing because if anything did escalate, there's no telling what could have happened with
the police presence. This is like if I was in a church or synagogue and the people whose "home" it was came at me. I would likely defer to my friend who is part of that "home" to advise me. Most likely though, they would probably speak to them because it isn't my place to.
I can definitely give other Black folks the space and respect to feel how they feel. Anyone else? Please give US the space to feel our feelings and process. Thank you.
Also, it's disingenuous to not also point out that she INDEED had a sit-down with them after the event.
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