Nick was kind enough to tweet this for me as I was silenced on TDoR. Unsurprisingly the Telegraph didn't rush to my house to take a photo of me with tape over my mouth.
I'm going to thread it in the replies.
Being trans isn't a problem.
It's simply an aspect of who you are, Like your hair colour, your eyes, your sexuality. You can hide it, you can disguise it, you can deny it.
Or, you can accept it.
Would that others were more inclined to acceptance.
You see the problem is most often found with cis people.
I know, not all cis people. Not even most cis people, Or so I hope.
It is, however, enough cis people.
Enough to make us feel unwelcome. Unwanted.
Of course. that's Just the people who deliberately hate us. The ones who refuse to understand. The ones who call us a fetish, because such is the only way they can interpret something so far outside of their experience.
People such as this rarely confine their hatred to trans people of course. There's more than enough evidence of their homophobia, racism and more besides. Their focus on trans women is evidence of their misogyny.
Many of the arguments presented ignore trans men, or paint them as deluded, confused women. They paint trans women as predators, asserting that they "know what men are like". This statement reveals far more about those making it, usually cis men, than it does trans women.
Their arguments generally present women as weak, vulnerable, lesser. Their focus centers around the capacity to breed.

Where they're not hateful, they’re often nonsensical.
They push notions such that someone would transition to gain access to a space more easily entered by someone in a Hi-Vis vest. They claim people would undergo an arduous transition simply to win at sport.
They infer that people take HRT with the knowledge that their sex drive will be adversely affected simply to indulge a kink. They profess the belief that parents would prefer their children to be trans than gay.
They say that a wait of two years plus is "rushed". They claim that surgery is performed on children.
They persistently ignore that medical science confirms the existence and validity of trans people.
Even when we are accepted, that acceptance is conditional or problematic. If we do not conform to gendered expectations that acceptance is withdrawn. It we do not act sufficiently grateful, respect is withheld.
We are forced to jump though hoops and bend over backwards in pursuit of the basic respect that others take for granted.
And when we're attacked? When we become the victims of violence or abuse?
We are held accountable.
We are blamed.
If you are a cis person and you tell yourself that you see everyone as equal, that's a lovely sentiment. It may mean you're not part of the problem. But don't flatter yourself that you're part of the solution.
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