Only a white feminist would call for a policy that puts more cops in black neighborhoods, gets even more woc deported, causes higher rates of homelessness among poor women and call it “progress for all women”
** and re: more cops in black neighborhoods? That doesn’t just put black women at higher risk of vioence from police, it will also put black women at higher risk of violence from the community, Bc black women, in particular black sex workers, will be blamed for police presence.
And because of misgynoir, more black women will be potential targets of increased police surveillance bc we’re all assumed to be criminals and hyper sexual, therefore we’ll pretty much all be assumed to be sex workers.
So in addition to extra police possibly killing our sons, fathers, male relatives Bc let’s be honest about police! We’re also placing blame for over policing on black sex workers, many of whom are poor, queer, or trans, etc

The more marginalized among the marginalized.
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