I woke up this morning immensely grateful for an amazing experience at #NCTE19.

I also woke up thinking about erasure and how erasure contributes to the battering of one’s existence.

here’s a thread about how I gave up on being me this weekend and how I’m reconciling with it.
First, allow me to reintroduce myself.

My name is shea martin.
My pronouns are they/them/theirs.
I am a black queer non-binary woman.
I am dope AF (I think).

This weekend at #NCTE19, I gave up on demanding that I be recognized as my full self because it was exhausting.
When I arrived to registration, I noticed there were no pronouns listed on my nametag.

I was annoyed, but I hate wearing nametags anyways.

I tweeted. Y’all responded in solidarity, @teachkate gave me hella cool #beyondtheletters pronoun stickers.
I felt better.
But the erasure had already happened at registration. I think the sticker helped my spirit, but it did not fully repair the blow my spirit took when I realized that my identity wasn’t a priority.

Let me show you erasure leads to quick fatigue in my existence.
that erasure meant that at my first NCTE, I didn’t even want to wear my nametag and so most of the time, I just kept it my backpack.

it meant that I avoided talking to most people on Thursday because I was angry and hurt and annoyed.

that erasure meant that on Friday morning when I woke up before my presentation, I wondered if I even belonged at #NCTE19
but the worst part is that that erasure made me stop demanding that y’all use my pronouns.

I stopped counting how many times I was misgendered when I got to 72.

That was on Friday afternoon.

That erasure meant that when people thanked and praised me for my session using the wrong pronouns, I said nothing.

It meant that when some of you cited me for #selfiepedagogy using the wrong pronouns, I said nothing.

Because fighting erasure is exhausting.

My first NCTE.
My first presentation at NCTE.
My first time meeting most of y’all.

And I was too tired of being erased to demand that I be seen and affirmed as me.

Do not underestimate the toll that erasure has on the soul of folx.

And I love y’all which I why I’m calling you in and letting you know.

If you’re reading this and you’re thinking, “crap I did this! I need to apologize!”

Please know this:
I don’t need or want apologies.
I just want you to listen and to do better.

Yesterday, @britthawthorne_’s magical son came up to her and said, “Mom, it happened again! Someone misgendered me!”

The fact that her young wizard had the words to describe what was happening (😲🙌🏾) and that he corrected them restored me in ways I didn’t know I needed.
And when I heard him say it, I told him that the next time it happens, he should kick the person and run away.

I don’t actually endorse the use of violence, but that’s where my soul was at that point.

I left #NCTE19 an hour later.
like most other things, erasure hurts more when it comes from family.

because we are family,
I expect, deserve, and demand better.

I will work on restoring my soul and speaking up when I am misgendered.

I need you to do better, too.

I love you.

- shea (they/them)
You can follow @sheathescholar.
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