Also, used to be when I heard people talk about “trauma,” I:
1) had no clue what they were talking about and
2) was terrified of whatever it was.
Turns out most of us have some trauma and all it is is a hurt that didn’t get healed or didn’t get healed well.
While sometimes people DO realize big things about themselves or their pasts in acknowledging & facing trauma, sometimes all it means is that we realize we were more hurt than we thought by something.
It can still be terrifying and difficult to acknowledge that hurt is there or let yourself feel it, but you won’t necessarily have to change your whole life in a way that will make you unrecognizable to your current self. That’s something I’m always scared of having to do.
Also, on that note, you NEVER have to make a decision that will make you unhappy because, like, society or god or whoever thinks you should. You get to choose. And you can choose the thing that will hurt you least, every time.
Just leaving this here for myself or whoever needs it I guess.
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