With all the outrage about biased media, BBC , polls etc it's easy to get lost as to where we are and why the country deserves change and deserves better -thread
#TimeForRealChange #DitchTheTories #GTTO
In no particular order
Roads- outside of Mways - crumbling full of potholes and inadequate
Mways -full to bursting game and one incident away from mayhem
A roads- unsafe full to bursting and little more than avenues of litter and trash strewn verges
Other than main lines into London - totally inadequate and largely non electrified.
Ridiculously expensive , crammed and filthy trains.
Often late, and outdated rolling stock
Town and villages
Isolated with skeletal public transport.
Decaying high streets
No public services - everything centralised to larger towns/cities
Dormitory towns and or holiday home effect pushing up prices for locals
Other than London - decaying high street
Streets full of homeless and beggars
Little or no public infrastructure
Decaying parks and green spaces which arent sold off
Rubbish and chewing gum strewn filthy streets
Health services
GP surgeries - overworked and crammed
Almost impossible to get an urgent appointment
Almost impossible to get an appointment
Expensive prescriptions if you can get one
A&Es like a war zone
Massive waiting lists
Schools Education
Schools under massive cost pressures
Begging letters from teachers
Teaching by rote for SATs ratings exams
Academy's stealing public's assets and paying themselves fortunes
Student Fees
All press in hands of media moguls
Dumbing down of news
Manipulation of news
Celebrity culture - bread and circuses
State propaganda
Suppression of news and scandals
I cannot remember a time since the 70s when there was so much openly expressed racism. Much encouraged and exploited for political end by the establishment.
I cannot remember a time when the armed forces and glorifying of wars and veterans has reached such a pitch. Even during Falklands it wast that this level.
Financial scandals
We've had endowments, PPI and Pensions scandals, rate fixing insider trading , junk bonds and the crash. There will undoubtedly be more as the last gene6ro have any money enters retirement and will need care and support now Govt stopped
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