White nationalist groups believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of the countries that make up Western civilization. White nationalists advocate for policies to reverse changing demographics and the loss of an absolute, white majority.
White nationalists seek to return to an America that predates the implementation of the Civil Rights Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act. They disemminate the ideology that whites in the United States are being systematically replaced and destroyed.
WN aspirations are most commonly articulated as the desire to form a white ethnostate; a calculated idiom to obscure the inherent violence of such a radical project. They proclaim love for members of their own race, rather than hatred for others.
Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime & the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color and "human biodiversity".
In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.
White nationalists also commonly pass through paleoconservatism, an anti-interventionist strand of libertarianism that seeks to limit government, restrict immigration, reverse multicultural programs and deconstruct the social welfare programs.
Strategies for pursuing the white ethnostate fall into two major categories: mainstreaming and vanguardism.

Mainstreamers believe that infiltrating and subverting the existing political institutions is the only realistic path to power.
Vanguardists believe that revolution is the only path toward a white ethnostate. They think reforming the system is impossible and therefore refuse to soften their rhetoric.
They seek to reform what they believe to be an “anti-white” establishment through radical action.
The “alt-right" is WN most recent formulation. Themes of white dispossession, nostalgia for pre-1960s America & the desire for separatism, are central to the ideology. It allows for the influence and inclusion of radical elements, including neo-Nazi organizations.
WN also welcomed an unsavory ecosystem of internet trolls. These chaos agents contribute a distinct style of discourse that include a notable lack of empathy, extreme, often violence-tinged, rhetoric, and willingness to dehumanize their enemies in service of political goals
As the Klan declined, new movements arose, including 28 chapters of neo-Völkisch groups that practice an ethnocentric brand of paganism and see themselves as descendants of a mythic, pan-European Germanic people fighting for the survival of the white race.
For the first time, the SPLC added two male supremacy groups to the hate list. The vilification of women by these groups makes them no different than hate groups that demean entire populations, such as the LGBT community, Muslims or Jews.
Black nationalist groups make up a little over 20 percent of the total list. Typically antisemitic, anti-LGBT and anti-white, these groups are expanding in reaction to rising white supremacy and Trump’s emboldening of racists.
The antigovernment “Patriot” movement, armed militias that engage in paramilitary training, rose in 2017. They benefited from attachments to white supremacist elements of the alt-right and closer connections to far-right segments of the GOP.
Ku Klux Klan, neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, racist skinhead and Christian Identity can also be fairly described as "white nationalist." Although, organizational loyalty has dwindled and the internet has become white nationalism’s organizing principle.
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