I was just thinking about this right now. Superhero movies have been dominating at the box office for quite a few years now. One reason that I was just thinking about concerns are ever darkening reality perhaps leading us to cling to Heroes even more.
Climate change is ravaging our world. Capitalism and the rich continue to screw the middle and lower class over. An uncertain future filled with debt faces most in my generation and the next. Our government is full of those who wish to do ill upon us all.
Hatred of all kinds has come out of the shadows where it dwelt and now its at the forefront once more staring us in the face every single day.
So of course stories about heroes who save the day, fight against evil, knock down hatred where it stands, and try to be the best that they can be is something that speaks to us in our time of dire need. Whether super or just hero, these characters in a way help us keep going.
To some, these films may not be art or Cinema or anything else. It's the same argument that has circled for years about comic books and other forms of entertainment. In the end none of that matters. These characters, these heroes, matter to people.
The help lift us out of the darkness which is exactly what heroes are meant to do. So yes superheroes have overtaken the box office. Whether that is good or not is not for me or really many others to decide right now. Because perhaps there is a bigger reason they have taken over.
Not just a reason to do with studios & money & franchises & all the other things that Hollywood does. No, perhaps the reason is because we need them. And when you need your heroes most, that's when they answer the call.
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