What a fantastic day to learn all about #gutmicrobiome, study design, the role of diet, and potential for therapeutic use for #cardiovasculardisease! I would like to thank all the amazing speakers and those who came and contributed to the discussions #APCH2019
The main take-home messages from today's #gutmicrobiome #APCH2019 symposium are:
1. Microbiome is complex and dynamic. It is easy to study it due to technology (depending the model you are studying, humans are still harder), but data is equally easy to be over-interpreted 1/
2. The #microbiome has a great potential to be used as therapy for human disease, including #cardiovasculardisease.
3. Proper study design is essential to minimise confounding factors.
4. Gut microbiota and epithelial barrier are altered in CVD models.
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5. The #gutmicrobiome & immune system interaction is an important driver for CVD. Microbial effects are likely indirect & driven by gut metabolites activating immune cells.
6. Age and sex are important but they are not always considered in studies in animal models.
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7. #Diet that is relevant to CVD such as fibre, fat and salt, are typically associated with #gutmicrobiome changes. Some of these affect the immune system that is likely to drive the CV phenotype.
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8. There is a potential for use of gut metabolites such as SCFAs to treat CVD including for diseases such as #hypertension, #myocardialinfarction #MI, #stroke, and evidence for different levels in preeclampsia patients
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