If you really want to be a writer, be prepared to have homework literally every night of your life, forever (hi from Saturday at 12:15 a.m.)
Think about what kind of student you were, then consider that, if you want to write professionally, there's always another story to break, another draft to re-write, a crew of people waiting & the deadlines never stop. People can't do their jobs unless you do yours. All the time.
If I'm honest, I went to college too young (I was 16!) and while a good student, I probably never ever started an essay before midnight the day it was due (thank you six pack of Diet Coke). It is bloody laughable and preposterous that I became a professional TV writer. And yet...
...somehow becoming a professional storyteller, a contributor to pop culture, to culture in general; a chance to have a voice, but even more, to try to speak for those who don't always get to, and to get paid for it...what a privilege for a girl from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
But there's homework. Homework that never stops. I guess what I'm saying is, you really wanna write? You'd better give a fuck. And not just for yourself. But also, for yourself. Now back to work.
a grateful screenwriter.
Also there are a million jobs that are harder, like teachers and cops and nurses, and people who are extraordinary writers but will never have the luxury or geography or birth lottery to publish, so I really wanna emphasize the luck part of my existence. Now back to 2nd drafts.
In short: please stop joking about me getting off twitter and back to work, I literally never get off my computer because I'm always working, you dinks
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