Democrats are incompetent. Republicans are incompetent. But there is one “side” in this country that mainly hurts freedom. Hurts free speech. Hurts everything. And we all know what side/party that is.
Kat Timpf always gets criticized by the irrelevant and idiotic crazies on both sides and she acts like they matter. She characterizes the right by people who call her a leftist because criticizes trump or something.
I don’t know anyone on the right who is a so called “shill”. Someone who irrationally defends their party no matter what. I defend Trump a lot. The people who give me crap for that have been wrong 100% of the time. They just say I irrationally defend him because they can’t argue.
In contrast, pretty everyone one the left are masters at spinning everything to dishonestly and immaculately portray their behavior. Everyone spins things, but I literally do not the the left do anything ever without being dishonest about it.
The entire left is one big circle jerk. They’re always in lockstep unity. Tulsi Gabbard criticizing people is just one radical leftist trying to win against other radical leftists. She is not moderate. She does not actually seek to represent all Americans. She’s full of crap.
The right, Republicans, are constantly criticizing each other. It’s one of their weeknesses. Part of why they lose power. The right doesn’t shill. At least not even close to as much as the left does. In this very thread I’ve said republicans are incompetent.
In conclusion, to act as though both sides are equally incompetent and dishonest.... is dishonest. You don’t need to pledge loyalty to the Republican Party, or be strictly conservative, to know that there is a favorable side that is currently seeking to represent American values.
The left and the right are not equally deserving of criticism. There is, in fact, one side that is at least trying to represent freedom, individuality, small government, etc. Let me know what you think.
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