In order to achieve peace in Africa, colonial borders must be abolished and make way for borders that truly reflect the diverse Africa we all love.
England = land of Anglo-Saxons
Finland = Land of Finns
France = Land of Frank's
Germany = Land of Germanics
Czech = land of Czechs
Slovakia = land of Slovaks
Greece = Land of Greeks

And we wonder why Europeans have a better understanding of managing a country.
Africans communicate in either English or French because the colonialist grouped people together that have nothing in common and we wonder why colonialism is still ongoing to this day
The comments made me reflect how deeply uneducated Africans are about Africa. You have been condition to reject your old way of life because it's not convenient anymore. Kingdoms/Sultanates/Regions were ruled by people who claim ancestry on that land. But I'm stupid?
For those that are upset with Afrikaner Republic.🤫🤫
Found this cool extract
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