Asked for reaction to Biden threat and said a bad impression of the Godfather😂😂
Re Lev Parnas
*We need to look into his attorney @BenKTallmadge @BabeReflex_8
Next up some well deserved press shaming
+ Re Nunes
Are you afraid Mr. Mayor that you could be indicted?...

You should have jumped all over this in 2015...
I am embarrassing you for not doing your job...
Zero financial interests in Ukraine...
I am sure the producers at #PseudoMAGA Fox are not please, and that is good thing, in my opinion. 😂😂😂
Keep going. Some big points missed Re Burisma - crash course
Still confused about Burisma? Here is a crash course
And the #MockingbirdMedia said NADA to be continued...
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