Don’t let your social media feeds become an echo chamber.

But what does that mean?

It’s more than just following people with different views, it’s about actually listening to them.

A thread to encourage extending your community. 1/5
An information bubble is where you completely cut yourself off from other people’s views.

Like a cult. Or a twitter feed of 20 people who agree with everything you say

This makes your views fragile - because you don’t hear anything else. And when you do, the bubble bursts. 2/5
An echo chamber is where you do hear other people’s views. You just don’t listen to or trust them. You delegitimise them.

You reassure yourself that are spouting ‘fake news’, or lack true experience.

This ‘double filter’ actually makes your own preconceived views stronger

So broaden your mind and your feed. Follow people on SoMe who actually have different views from you.

Take the time to listen to them, and seriously consider & respect their views. And engage with them.

Trust the outsiders.

This is what stepping out of your echo chamber really is and will make you open to more diverse views, new ideas, and it’ll make your projects and work more successful.

h/t @matthewsyed and Rebel Ideas

You can follow @TessaRDavis.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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