Tudor monarchs -how they voted in the EU referendum. 2/5 Henry VIII-leave. He wanted to take control of religion, borders and couldn’t wait to have a a war with France. He is worried about wine supplies, being keenly aware that he hasn’t concentrated enough on the New World.
Tudor Monarchs and the EU referendum. Edward VI- supports leave. He appreciates the Netherlands for their uncompromising Protestantism but that’s about it. He wasn’t old enough to vote but bucks the younger voter = remain trend.
Mary I. Tudor Monarchs and how they voted in the EU referendum. Remain-obviously. Philip finds it hard enough to visit her as it is she does not want any barriers. She’ll even give Boulogne back. Just let England remain....please.
Tudor Monarchs and how they voted in the EU referendum. Elizabeth I - voted leave. She doesn’t think that much of France, Spain or Italy to be honest. She has a vision of England basically stealing gold from everyone and closer trade relationships with Virginia.
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