1. Thinking I may do a series of PSA’s On PRIVILEGE.


✅I am a man. Society as a whole has deemed men superior for some reason. Therefore I have advantages (privleges) in this life that have nothing to do with my character or effort. (Notice I didn’t talk about money.

✅My “male privilage” is not an insult. It’s a statement of fact about reality.

✅It’s important for me to understand my own privilege when I’m considering people not in my position.

✅Even though I am black and even though I am not straight, I am a man.

✅I don’t need to be insecure about admitting that women may not have my advantages.

✅My manhood is not at risk by doing so.

✅I can use my privilege to help elevate those who are not to a position of equality.

✅It takes away nothing from my success by admitting my pathway to it may have been more difficult if I were a women. (Unless of course I felt that I am only successful because I have testicles...which is stupid).

✅Similarly, white people need not feel insecure when their “white privilege is noted”.

➡️I will brainstorm the best way to talk present this topic. Stay tuned.
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