Just watched Sasha Baron Cohens speech where he talks about how hate speech and bigotry via social media is a huge problem and that speech on social media need to be further restricted.

Strange coming from the man who sang a song called "Throw The Jew Down The Well".
He says that denying a person access to a large platform because of their opinions is not an attack on their freedom of expression.

This is a bullshit trope, let me explain why,
Its called the "empty room" trope. Its like banning you from all social media, public spaces etc, but since you still have the ability to say these things on an empty room "YoU StIlL hAvE fReE sPeEcH".

Nope, you don't.
You have taken away the persons ability to distrubute information. The entire point of voicing your opinion is convey the way you feel and the reasons for it, either to convince people to your way of thinking, helping them understand it or connecting with them on a social level.
Which is literally the point of speech, you cant take away the literal purpose of speech away from a person and then tell them that they still have free speech.

Its like me saying you are allowed to drive, you just cant own a car.

Its fucking stupid.
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