I am not working today - and even if I was - I probably wouldn't be tweeting about it. It's a pain to be constantly bombarded by the idea of "work work work" - often we need a break.

I've written about this here: https://medium.com/@BMatB/fallacy-work-hard-tweet-harder-1ed570be623b
I appreciate that some people may need to work on weekends - lots of reasons (eg time shifting work, the odd deadline) - and I'm not going to hold people to never comment on work stuff on a weekend, but please please please have a think about how it looks & can be perceived.
Today - I slept the whole day - yes I have a deadline for something and I feel guilty enough about it WITHOUT seeing that you are all working your arses off.

We know that we have a mental health issue in academia - I suspect lots of this is related to the culture of overworking.
Part of this "tweet hard" when people work on weekends is fueled by feelings of insecurity, or perhaps loneliness.

Please take a moment to think about these issues for yourself - and consider how this impacts everyone else, as well as your future self.
As Prof Jackson says - if you are trying to fight for making the academy a better place for everyone - it's especially important for you to evaluate your own actions, otherwise you are not being authentic & this damages yourself, and everyone around you. https://twitter.com/seis_matters/status/1198288662343159808?s=19
And yes - I'm not naming individuals here - if you feel subtweeted, have a look at yourself first rather than getting angry at me.
You can follow @BMatB.
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