This is JK Rowling's new header! Turns out it's The death tarot card. I really think it's related to #CormoranStrike, Strike 5 is on the way?
To correct the information, they are 3 Tarot cards. The first one is the Ace of Swords (reversed), the second The Death, and the last one is the Two of Cups. Let's talk about the meaning of these cards.
A sharp sword pointing straight up through the crown. It symbolizes the desire of reason to go straight ahead to find the ultimate truth that ignores pathetic thoughts. The sword is surrounded by a snake and is marked with two halves of the moon,...
indicating that this person’s mind is not simply abstract intelligence. The image shows that the intellectual power built up by deep emotions can move forward to reach the highest level of awareness. Reverse: lost clarity in a situation that has now become a problem...
Using our desires for a cause and defend ourselves too excessively.
There is no clarity and will to defend ourselves or implement our ideas.
The card shows the dance of death, representing the eternal cycle of the principle of “dying and giving birth” in its mutual impact. We see a skeleton kneeling, holding a scythe to harvest all withered things falling through a cloth of fate...
The separation of dead threads makes the bubbles rise out of the muddy dirt, where life is sprouting. It is climbing the threads of time as the shining fabric, constantly expanding into new shapes of time and space. The instinctive movement of this eternity is symbolized by a...
poisoned scorpion that lurks between two dead flowers of the swamp (lotus and lily). Along with the snake, fish, and eagle, it is a symbol of rebirth. The humanization principle of Death is portrayed as an endless series of transformations into a new life...
The scorpion is crawling on rotting plants in dangerous mud, which is an unhealthy source of energy that creates decay. And the fermentation process heats up the “dead and born” principle because its work corresponds to the production of soil from the residue of decay.
The picture on the card depicts two holy cups filled with water in the foreground. In contrast to ace of cups, they are not supplied with water from the inside but from the outside; The first source of water is the scalar flow of the original energy...
The unconscious love expressed with the unimpeded state of Ace has now changed: the stream of water poured into two cups from the “water-splitting” lotus flower from which a lotus blooms in a higher position...
Career: This card signals an important, positive encounter. In any case, it represents harmony, joy, mutual trust, pleasant atmosphere, favorable cooperation, and enthusiastic working environment.
About Cormoran and Robin: we think the order isn't at random. First the Ace of Swords reversed, talking about breaking down the barriers. Then Death, talking about free yourself from the past and change...
Finally Two of Cups, talking about speak with your heart and connecting with the person who feels the same. It's the beginning, middle and end of a story. Hope we can see all this in Strike #5.
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